DCPS Study Abroad

Every student deserves a world of possibilities; that's why DCPS developed a study abroad program.  DCPS Study Abroad helps ensure that our global citizens have access to global experiences, so that travel becomes the expectation rather than the exception for students.  DCPS' 8th grade, 11th grade, Certificate 3, and Opportunity Academies students who are studying a World Language are eligible for short-term study abroad programs targeting language immersion, cultural immersion, and service learning.

Map of 2024 trip locations including: Costa Rica, Peru, Outer Banks, Morocco & Spain, France, and Taiwan

Trip Details

All DCPS Study Abroad trips are fully-funded, including  airfare, meals, lodging, and activities on tour.  Aid for students with significant financial need who require support to obtain necessary travel supplies is available upon request.

All travelers must obtain necessary vaccines prior to trip departure, including the COVID-19 vaccine.  Every student traveler is required to participate in pre-departure trainings with their trip leaders, abide by their trip's itinerary, and develop a post-travel "Making Global Local" project about their time abroad. Each student's Making Global Local project will be shared and celebrated with their school and community.

We encourage all eligible students to consider applying for DCPS Study Abroad! DCPS Study Abroad trips take place in the summer, and they are between 5-12 days long.  Our trips focus on language learning, community service, STEM and/or global leadership.  Students who are selected for DCPS Study Abroad are assigned a trip based on their World Language course history and interests. CPS Study Abroad exists to make travel more equitably available to students.  Our selection process considers students' World Language course history, students' prior travel experience, the strength of a student's application, and schools' federal Title I percentages (i.e. Free-and-Reduced-Price Meals). Review our eligibility criteria, download a copy of the application, and read more about our selection process below.

Summer 2024

The DCPS Study Abroad student application for Summer 2024 is now closed!
Students will be notified of their selection at the end of January.


Upcoming event

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